By Ashleigh Heichelbech

As some of you may know, I am a complete wine-o. I have been to many a wineries, worked at wine bar and even had a wine theme at my wedding! I started drinking wine around 16 years old from the ol' box o' wine my mother kept in the refrigerator. (Mom, you knew...come on now..) From there I was always willing and eager to try any type of wine that came my way.

After I turned 21 and was able to purchase my own bottles of wine instead of gathering a weeks supply of boxed wine in my fridge, and with that, my whole world opened up. The wonderful world of wine...The choices are endless and every one is a delight in it's own way.

Now with that, the only next step to take in my little wine world is to

make my own wine!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Siphoning the White Grape Raspberry

 Siphoning it into the carboy!
     See those little tiny bubbles? Those are a great sign!
    It's cloudy now-but as I write this it is starting to clear and settle
This is a "wine dog"

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